

I am thankful for my parents.

They put up with a lot, suffered a lot, but continued to love me and instruct me despite my attitude.

Sure, they made lots of mistakes (not as many as I have, I'm sure).  But I'm still so thankful they didn't give up and me despite how emotionally and physically tired I have made them in the past.  I'm so thankful they raised me and allowed me to be who God made me.

I'm also thankful for their experience, wisdom, and generosity.  They're great role models and super fun people to be around... they're so hospitable.  Every kid in the neighborhood back home knows they're welcome over any time.  Every adult out there knows they can talk to my mom and dad and not only get great advice, but not to be afraid of any gossip or rumors.

I hope I've picked up some of their awesome traits.

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