
the name

When it comes to naming things... well, let's face it, I'm horrible at it.  A pig's better at flying than I am at naming.

That's why I tend to leave things unnamed until someone else comes up with something that works.

This is also why my blog name is so boring.  I haven't thought of something that's awesome enough to change it to. . . so I've just left it boring instead.

It did come up with a new title for my blog, as I'm sure you've noticed, Gourmanna.  I thought I'd just explain it briefly.

I am not claiming to be a gourmet chef.  In fact, I've never cooked a gourmet meal in my life.  That doesn't mean I'm not going to try someday, but up to this point in time I haven't, and I'm sure it would be a disaster if I did.

However, I do claim to be a gourmand, a lover of good food/one who takes great pleasure in good food.  So, I just decided to incorporate my name into that and came up with gourmanna (with no intentional reference to the old testament's manna).

And, even though I do overeat at times, I'm not claiming to be a glutton either.  I'm applying the more modern definition of the word to myself, in which glutton and gourmand are not synonymous.

Basically, it just means that I like tasty, delicious food. :-)

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